- January 2001 (Ph.D.): University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Thesis project: “A Study of the c-axis Excitations in Cuprate Superconductors”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. D. van der Marel.
- August 1996 (M.Sc.): Graduated in Physics at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia with a grade point average (GPA) of 8.8/10, and grade 10 in my final diploma examination. Thesis title:”Magnetic and Current Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors.” Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Z. Radovic.
- Associated Professor, Physics Department, University of Chile (01-01-2013-present)
- Researcher at IMOMEC/IMEC, Hasselt, Belgium (01-01-2012 / 01-07-2012)
- Research associate position in the Molecular Electronics and Devices group at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (01-09-2009 / 01-01-2012)
- Visiting scientist at the Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia (01-03-2009 / 01-09-2009)
- Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship at the Laboratoire d’Électronique Moléculaire at CEA Saclay, France (1-10-2006 / 1-10-2008)
- VENI fellowship at the “Physics of Nano Devices” groupat the University of Groningen, The Netherlands (1-4-2003 / 1-5-2006),funded by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- Post-doc position in the “Physics of Nano Devices” groupat the University of Groningen, The Netherlands (1-10-2000 / 1-4-2003)
- Jun 2015: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 (EU commission). Grant number: SEP-210165479. Project title “Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films”. (Collaborative Research Grant between 4 EU countries and Chile for exchange of research staff and students)
- November 2014: FONDEQUIP EQM140055. Project title “Escritora de Litografía óptica sin máscaras”. Function –director. (Equipment grant 385.679.966 CL pesos)
- March 2014: Marie FONDECYT REGULAR. Project title “Porphyronics – Porphyrin based single molecular electronics“” (personal grant for the investigation of the charge transport in porphyrine based single molecules)
- August 2005: Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship. Project title “DNA based molecular nanoelectronics” (personal grant for the investigation of DNA-based nanoelectronics, granted to 10-20% of the best European researchers in physics).
- May 2003: VENI grant from NWO. Project title “Molecular nanoelectronics” (personal grant of 200 K€ for the investigation of photochromic molecular switches, granted to 10-20% of the best researchers in exact sciences, in the category one to three years after the PhD is awarded).
- ”Metodos Experimentales”; general undergraduate course for all students of the Faculty of Engineering, FCFM, University of Chile. Approximately 100 students.
- ”Introduction to Nanodevices”; elective undergraduate and graduate course opened to all students of the Faculty of Engineering, FCFM, University of Chile.
- “Electromagnetism”; general undergraduate course for all students of the Faculty of Engineering, FCFM, University of Chile. Approximately 100 students.
- “Experimental Physics II”; experimental course for physics students.
- Evaluator of the FET-OPEN - NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES (H2020-FETOPEN) European Commission (2014-2016).
- Evaluator of the FET-PROACTIVE - FUTURE AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (H2020), European Commission (2016).
- Evaluator of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Schemes, Horizon 2020 - European Commission.(2014-2015)
- Evaluator for National Research Foundation, United Arab Emirates – UAEU Program for Advanced Research (UPAR) (2013-2014).
- Evaluator for National Science Council, Taiwan - Science Vanguard Research Program (2013).
- Evaluator on the Physics Panel FP7 of the Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (2011-2013).
- Evaluator in the field of Nanoscience for The French National Research Agency (ANR) (2011-2012)
- Evaluator on the Physics Panel FP7 of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Schemes (Intra-European, International Outgoing and International Incoming Fellowships)(2007-2013)
- Reviewer for Nature Reports, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Nanoscale Research Letters, Sensors and Actuators, Diamond and Related Materials.